For more details on the methodologies of DeepMoleNet, please read the references cited below.
[1] Ziteng Liu, Liqiang Lin, Qingqing Jia, Zheng Cheng, Yanyan Jiang, Yanwen Guo, Jing Ma, Transferable Multilevel Attention Neural Network for Accurate Prediction of Quantum Chemistry Properties via Multitask Learning. J. Chem. Inf. Model., 2021, 61, 1066-1082.
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For more details on the methodologies of MLFFOpt, please read the reference cited below.
[1] Yang Ge, Xueping Wang, Qiang Zhu, Yuqin Yang, Hao Dong, Jing Ma*. Machine Learning-Guided Adaptive Parameterization for Coupling Terms in a Mixed United-atom/Coarse-Grained Model for Diphenylalanine Self-assembly in Aqueous Ionic Liquids. J. Chem. Theory Comput., 2023, 19, 6718–6732.
For more details on the methodologies of Auto-CheML, please read the reference cited below.
[1] Jiawei Chen, Yuming Gu*, Qin Zhu, Yating Gu, Xinyi Liang, Jing Ma*, Automated Machine Learning of Interfacial Interaction Descriptors and Energies in Metal-Catalyzed N2 and CO2 Reduction Reactions Langmuir, 2025, 41, 3490−3502.
For more details on the Crystalline Conjugated Polymers Dataset, please read the references cited below.
[1] Kun Fan, Cheng Fu, Yuan Chen, Chenyang Zhang, Guoqun Zhang, Linnan Guan, Minglei Mao, Jing Ma, Wenping Hu, Chengliang Wang*, Framework Dimensional Control Boosting Charge Storage in Conjugated Coordination Polymers. Adv. Sci., 2022, 220576.
[2] Kun Fan#, Jian Li#, Yongshan Xu, Cheng Fu, Yuan Chen, Chenyang Zhang, Guoqun Zhang, Jing Ma, Tianyou Zhai, Chengliang Wang*, Single crystals of a highly conductive three-dimensional conjugated coordination polymer. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2023, 145, 12682–12690
[3] Jincheng Zou#, Cheng Fu#, Yong Zhang#, Kun Fan, Yuan Chen, Chenyang Zhang, Guoqun Zhang, Huichao Dai, Yueyue Cao, Jing Ma*, Chengliang Wang*, A Novel Hexaazatriphenylene Carboxylate with Compatible Binder as Anode for High-Performance Organic Potassium-Ion Batteries. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2023, 202303678.
Website is,NOT https!!!For more details on the HA nanoparticles Database, please read the reference cited below.
[1] Ziteng Liu, Yinghuan Shi, Hongwei Chen, Tiexin Qin, Xuejie Zhou, Jun Huo, Hao Dong, Xiao Yang, Xiangdong Zhu, Xuening Chen, Li Zhang, Mingli Yang, Yang Gao*, Jing Ma*, Machine learning on properties of multiscale multisource hydroxyapatite nanoparticles datasets with different morphologies and sizes. npj Comput. Mater., 2021, 7, 142.
For more details on the Log P Database, please read the references cited below.
[1] Qingqing Jia, Yifan Ni, Ziteng Liu, Xu Gu, Ziyi Cui, Mengting Fan, Qiang Zhu*, Yi Wang*, Jing Ma*, Fast Prediction of Lipophilicity of Organofluorine Molecules: Deep Learning Derived Polarity Characters and Experimental Tests. J. Chem. Inf. Model., 2022, 62, 4928–4936.
[2] Qiang Zhu, Qingqing Jia, Ziteng Liu, Yang Ge, Xu Gu, Ziyi Cui, Mengting Fan, Jing Ma*, Molecular Partition Coefficient from Machine Learning with Polarization and Entropy Embedded Atom-Centered Symmetry Functions. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 23082.
For more details on the Nanocluster Dataset, please read the reference cited below.
[1] Yuming Gu#, Shisi Tang#, Xu Liu, Xinyi Liang, Qin Zhu, Hongfeng Wu, Xiao Yang, Weihao Jin, Hongwei Chen, Chunyan Liu*, Yan Zhu*, Jing Ma*, Stability Prediction of Gold Nanoclusters with Different Ligands and Doped Metals: Deep Learning and Experimental Tests. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, 12, 4460-4472.
For more details on the Viscosity Database, please read the reference cited below.
[1] Qiang Zhu, Yuming Gu, Limu Hu, Théophile Gaudin, Mengting Fan, Jing Ma, Shear viscosity prediction of alcohols, hydrocarbons, halogenated, carbonyl, nitrogen-containing, and sulfur compounds using the variable force fields. J. Chem. Phys., 2021, 154, 074502.
For more details on the Zeolite Activation Dataset, please read the references cited below.
[1] Yuming Gu, Ziteng Liu, Changzhou Yu, Xu Gu, Lili Xu, Yang Gao, Jing Ma, Zeolite Adsorption Isotherms Predicted by Pore Channel and Local Environmental Descriptors: Feature Learning on DFT Binding Strength. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2020, 124, 9314-9328.
[2] Yuming Gu#, Qin Zhu#, Ziteng Liu#, Cheng Fu, Jiayue Wu, Qiang Zhu, Qingqing Jia, Jing Ma*, Nitrogen Reduction Reaction Energy and Pathway in Metal-zeolites: Deep Learning and Explainable Machine Learning with Local Acidity and Hydrogen Bonding Features. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2022, 10, 14976-14988.
[3] Qin Zhu#, Yuming Gu#, Xinyi Liang, Xinzhu Wang, Jing Ma*, A Machine Learning Model To Predict CO2 Reduction Reactivity and Products Transferred from Metal-Zeolites. ACS Catal., 2022, 12, 12336−12348.
[4] Ya-Ting Gu, Yu-Ming Gu*, Qiantu Tao, Xinzhu Wang, Qin Zhu, Jing Ma*, Machine Learning for Prediction of CO2/N2/H2O Selective Adsorption and Separation in Metal-zeolites. J. Mater. Inf., 2023, 3, 19.